Soar Above and Beyond!
A Four Week Course with Cantor Lee Degani

Are you ready to soar above and beyond your present reality and anchor in a frequency of Inner Peace, Love and Joy?
Are you ready to experience healing, transformation and shifts in all areas of your life?
If you are reading this, it is not an accident! Of course you are ready and saying YES!
YES to beginning an exciting journey into the realm of consciousness, thought and energies!
YES to releasing blockages in your life that no longer serve you!
YES to working with your Divine Partners in the spiritual realms!
YES to discovering and connecting to your Infinite Self where your possibilities are unlimited!
In this four week course guided by Archangels Metatron, Uriel, Zachriel and Zadkiel we will draw on the universal teachings of the Kabbalah appropriate for all faiths to learn strategies and tools to not only navigate in these uncertain times but to experience a different state of awareness and being.
Class meets through Zoom, Tuesdays, 7:30 pm - 8:45 pm Eastern Time Appropriate and Encouraged for Teens
February 9, 16, 23, March 9
Can’t attend due to your time zone or schedule? Each session will be Recorded and you will receive the same energies as the live classes.
Each class includes Channeled Guidance for the class and Energy Downloads and Transmissions
Class 1 Focus: Working with the Archangels
Class 2 Focus: Communicating with your Guides and Teachers
Class 3 Focus: Raising your Vibration
Class 4 Focus: The Power of Language

Metatron's Cube