Bidding farewell to the holiday of Passover is always followed by a very special week which is between the 27th day of the Hebrew month of Nisan, Holocaust Memorial Day (April 23rd this year) and the 4th day of Iyar, Israel Memorial Day (April 30th this year.) The 4th of Iyar is a designated memorial day for Israeli soldiers who gave their lives in all the wars waged against Israel since the War of Independence. As expected it is a solemn week. This special memorial day for the Israeli soldiers is commemorated one day before the countrywide joyful 5th day of Iyar, Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israel Independence Day. (May 1st this year)
The fact that the sorrow of the Memorial Day is immediately followed by the celebration of Israel's independence is very important. It is done by design.
There is an important phrase used in every circumcision ceremony for thousands of years: "Beh-Dama-ich Cha-ii", "you shall live through your blood."
Israelis, more than anyone, know that freedom has its price and in Israel's case, it is a very high price. Israelis live paying for their independence with blood almost every day of the year. Through their blood they live and, as we all know, prosper and thrive in all aspects of their lives on a national level as well as the individual level.
These two days are designated to be back to back to remind all of us that guarding our beloved Israel can never cease, that the state of Israel is the world's Peace Canary. Protecting it on the world stage is protecting liberty and freedom throughout the entire planet.
May G-D bless the state of Israel , the IDF and the Jewish people all over the world.
May these blessings radiate out to ALL People in the world.
May our children only know Peace.
Rabbi David