In the aftermath of October 7th, I kept thinking of how Holocaust Survivors and their children were being affected. Of course we were all shocked and continue to reel from the horror, but for Survivors especially, I knew the past trauma carried within was being triggered. And so this was confirmed with the calls Rabbi David began receiving.
With the ensuing antisemitism that was already coming to the surface years before the attack and has been displayed at the recent campus protests, our collective Jewish resolve of “Never Again!” has certainly turned to “Never Again is Now!”
We all see the mistruths being spread with social media one factor in creating this narrative. As Rabbi David recently wrote, "This narrative has been relentlessly playing on the emotions of the students. Once emotions take over, hate settles in and the truth becomes irrelevant. At that point there is no desire to have an honest discussion and investigation. "
So what is my role as a lightworker and as a Jewish teacher? Ingrained within us as the Jewish people is that we are to be a Light unto the Nations. I take that seriously knowing that every prayer, thought, word and action I have can work energetically, helping to bring us closer to a world of peace.
Especially with our work with children in our Infinite Light Vision program, I have witnessed firsthand the power of this Light that is just waiting to be awakened within each one of us.
Rabbi David and I will certainly continue to "arm" our Shirat Shalom children with the strength of our beautiful Jewish heritage that also teaches that each one of us has the ability to be a ”Light Unto the Nations” through our own respective religious and cultural paths.
Today as we observe, Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day, Yom Zikaron La Shoah veh la G'vura- may this Awakened Inner Light bring us together in Unity that Never Again is Now!
Cantor Lee
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