שירת שלום

Song of Peace

The Age Old Conflict by Rabbi David Degani

09 Jan 2023 7:20 AM | Shirat Shalom (Administrator)

This week’s Torah portion of Jan. 8, 2022  is called Shemot, “Names” and is the first reading in the Book of Exodus.* It begins by listing the names of the Israelites who came  to live in Egypt during the time  of Joseph. 

It is now two hundred years later. A new Pharaoh enslaves the Israelites in Egypt and sets laws to have the baby boys drowned in the Nile River. The famous story of Moses is told. When born he is placed in a basket in the water to save his life, then found by Pharaoh's daughter and adopted into their household. 

As an adult Moses kills an Egyptian taskmaster who was beating a slave and escapes to the desert. Many years later he communicates with G-d through a burning bush. He goes back to Egypt to demand that Pharaoh lets the Israelite slaves  go. 

The ongoing story of Moses and Exodus is actually read in the Torah over a period of six weeks and is a time of conflict between Pharaoh who represents our ego and materialistic desires and our Soul and spirit which is represented by the Israelites. 

This very conflict gives us the opportunity to achieve spiritual growth by choosing to love our fellow man which liberates our spirit. 

By tapping into or aligning with the energy of Shemot we can receive help to release our spirit from bondage and experience the freedom of a state of inner peace. 

Rabbi David

* Every week a section of the Torah is read throughout the week. There are always many levels of understanding with each week's portion. The Torah portions also have energies that can be utilized to help us navigate though our daily lives not only during the week the specific portion is read but any time it is needed.

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