Did you ever notice themes in your life where everything just seems so interconnected? I recently had one of those “theme experiences” during the week of Thanksgiving.
I suppose it began when I presented a workshop the weekend before the holiday that included using a laughter activity to ascend to the higher realms. Rabbi David was an integral part of it and definitely had us all laughing!
It was now Wednesday morning and I was still flying on Wings of Joy not only from the workshop and feedback I was still receiving but from the Joy of setting my Thanksgiving table. Yes, if you know me you are probably smiling and maybe even laughing! I just Love to set beautiful tables!
I am even sort of quasi famous on facebook for my tablescapes. Well at least with my fb friends! But even people whom I meet for the first time will often comment how much they enjoy seeing the settings.
So here I was that morning happily engaged in creating my tablescape. I was quite enamored with the new Pilgrim salt and pepper shakers I placed on the table. They were a gift from my 5 year old piano student, Cody, so they were even more special! I just loved how happy the Pilgrims looked. And they just fit so perfectly in the design of the table.

That afternoon I met with a new client for a healing session. I was technically already on vacation but even though I didn’t know what his issue was I didn’t want him to wait until after the holiday weekend.
Normally I wouldn’t share what happens in a session but in this case it is needed to see the entire picture. As soon as we began I was shown a very stern woman with her hair pulled back in a tight bun. She was wearing an old fashioned kind of apron somewhat similar to the one on my Pilgrim shaker! The man then told me that he grew up in a state where the Puritans settled and was surrounded by that culture.
I easily found the energy blockage he was carrying from the time he was six years old and wasn’t allowed to laugh. As it was released the man began laughing. He laughed and laughed and laughed! I supposed he was making up for all the years he never laughed. He was certainly a changed man at the end of the session.
Right afterwards I googled Puritans. Although I knew the Pilgrims were originally part of the Puritans before they separated from the Church of England to travel to America, I didn’t remember too much of their history. I discovered that yes, Puritans were extremely strict and frowned on laughter and frivolity. Happiness was only derived from serving G-d in their way.
So what are the chances that the man’s session would revolve around laughter and the Puritan culture at the same time I was focused on laughter from the workshop and the Pilgrims with their Puritan connection?
As we all sat around my Thanksgiving table where there was definitely much laughter I wondered what it would be like to grow up without laughter. It just brings so much Joy! And the more of that, the better!
I checked in with the man the next day and he told me he was still in a state of Elevated Joy! As I put the Pilgrim salt and pepper shakers I told them, “I love that description!” Their eyes seemed to twinkle in agreement!
As we begin this new year of 2022 may we all Laugh, Love and be filled with Elevated Joy!
Happy New Year!
Cantor Lee and Rabbi David
Read about Laughter with Rabbi David!
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